Tax Services
Canadian Individual Tax Services
Generally speaking, Canada taxes Canadian resident taxpayers on worldwide income and non-resident taxpayers on Canadian source income only.
Trowbridge Global provides comprehensive tax advisory services to Canadians moving to the UK, including pre-departure tax planning for those terminating Canadian tax residency and inbound UK tax planning for those with remaining Canadian income or assets.
We are experienced tax professionals specializing in Canadian and UK taxes who deliver solutions for:
Canadians who have recently relocated permanently to the UK
UK tax residents with Canadian rental properties
UK individuals moving to or permanently living in Canada
Canadian residents with UK pensions, tax-sheltered accounts (e.g. ISAs or National Savings) or income producing assets in the UK
Our Canadian tax services to individuals include preparing Canadian income tax returns for residents, departing residents, and non-residents earning rental income from Canadian real estate. Additionally, we provide Canadian tax planning with respect to UK income and assets, tax estimates, advice on minimizing or deferring Canadian income tax.